Seven days of spring - Day four

Happy March! Today, we are returning to the Japanese camellia (camellia japanica) as we have a couple fantastic varieties here at Rosewyn. Here are some more facts about this remarkable plant. The camellia was named after a Jesuit preist and botanist called Georg Kamel. The specific species name, ‘japanica’ was created by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Despite the common name for the plant, it is actually native to China, and has featured in Chinese paintings and porcelain since the 11th centry. The first record of the camellia being introduced in the UK was in 1739, when Robert James brought one back to Essex.

For day four of seven days of spring, we are featuring the coquettii variety. These glorious plants consist of delightful evegreen leaves and and bloom beautiful flowers in either white, red or pink, during the early spring.

One of our lovely Japanese camellias (coquetii) blooming with deep pink flowers


Seven days of spring - Day five


Seven days of spring - Day three